Tour Code: VET063
Transport:  drive 4WD & on foot
Duration: 15 days & 14 days
you may count more than 500 birds

Day 01: Arrive in Addis Ababa meet and greet, get assisted for transfer. Hotel

Day 02: An early start, climb to the SULULTA plain, the Debre Libanos Monastery is adjacent to matured woodland and forest holding endemics and many rare birds. Overnight stay in the Lodge nearby the Old Portuguese Bridge

Day 03: Drive to Crater lakes around Bushoftu/Debrezeit and East African Great Rift Valley birding sites. Lake Chalalaka (Seasonal) and Lake Hora. Continue eastwards to Awash, with its Savannah grassland, acacia scrub and riverine forest awash area supports variety of birdlife. Hotel

Day 04: Awash National Park and the hill step of Mt. Fentale running through acacia trees. Hotel

Day 05:Pre breakfast birding around the park then drive to Sodore, an area famed for its spa, the river Awash flows by hotel and is bordered by matured Fig and Acacia trees. Hotel

Day 06: Along the rift valley lakes, southward to Wendo Genet. Walk along the hot spring and into the hillside forest. Wendo Genet Resort

Day 07: Drive to Bale Mountain National Park, is our destination and the town of Goba. En route pass through farmland used for cereal production and livestock grazing. The drive is through one of best birding route, especially at Gaisay Plain. Hotel

Day 08: Beyond Goba is an extensive stand of Juniper and Hagenia Abyssinica forest, home to forest birds. The Bale Mts. plateau crater lakes itself, attracts remnant population of aquatic birds. The objective of today is to find and study, the rarest and endemic Ethiopian Wolf hunting for Giant Mole-rat at Sanetti Plateau. Return after Harena escarpment to Goba revisiting forest edges. Hotel

Day 09: Today we pass through Harena forest, the Southerly part of the park towards the remote town of Negele via the Genale River and its tributaries. Stay two nights at Negele stay in Hotel.

Day 10: This day drive early in the morning to Harakelo and Wadera areas to explore the rare and interesting birds. In the afternoon period, visit to the Liben plains that hold several interesting birds of dry-open country. The plains support the endemic and rarest birds. Hotel

Day 11: A traveling day to Yabello with birding en route, Yabello area is one of the potential of endemic bird species in Ethiopia. It is an important junction town in the middle of red sandstone landscape with termite mounds, acacia trees and thickets, housing several spectacular birds. Stay two nights in Yabello. Hotel

Day 12: An early start to explore the road to Mega, with acacia trees and thicket attracts lots of birds. Hotel

Day 13: A driving day to Aregash Lodge area with birding en route. Nestled between coffee fields and lush vegetation in Yirgalem town, Aregash Lodge is a peaceful haven for those who seek relaxation and welcome break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and the surrounding forests supports different bird life. Aregash Lodge

Day 14: Early start to Awassa, excursion on the bank of Lake Awassa and visit to the traditional market where prey and other birds come together for feeding on fish-slaughters for local consumption. In the afternoon drive to Lake Langano. En route stop at Abijata-shalla; areas which is excellent ground for migratory birds from Europe and Asia as well as breeding and roosting sites for Flamingos and pelicans. Langano Resort

Day 15: Early in the morning, visit to the hotel ground and along the lake shore then drive back to Addis Ababa. Depart for your home country

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